Staff experience sharing and get together event organized for Development Food Security Activities (DFSA) Program
October 27-28, 2020 – As per the recommendation from ECC-SDCOH management team, it was planned to organize staff experience sharing visit and get together event among within and across the projects and programs. Accordingly, the initial event was organized by DFSA program in Deder, Melkabelo, Babile, and Midega Tola woreda. The group was composed from both program, finance and supporting sections.
First, the group have visited various activities implemented by DFSA program in the woreda. The first visit was made for the activities of Agro-dealer shop supported by the program. The shop facilitate access to agricultural supplies to the community with reasonable price. The group physically observed the shop physically and made a discussion about the status. According to the shop owner its service very well and serving the community as per its objective.
Second, the visit was to observe the activities of the Faithful Households/Islamic Faithful Households that have the objective of promoting model families in the community. Accordingly, the team have traveled to Ifabas village and made a discussion with the community member about its status. The community confirmed that the activity has helped them and their family significantly as there is an attitude change in how to live a happy life that includes sharing responsibilities between wife and husband, involving girls and women in decision making, freedom of expression for girls and women, sending children especially girls to school,
Third, the group travelled to the village called Degeya Bela located at the distance of 36km from Harawacha to visit the activities of the youths involved in Bee keeping and the NRM works accomplished in the area. Accordingly, the visitor observed the material of the bee hives and its status. In addition, the visitor made a discussion with group members about their progress and their status. At the time of the visit the group showed their honey production that was made ready for the market. The youth group also expressed that they are working very well and hopeful that they will buy additional bee colonies and beehives by them selves and expand their business.
Fourth, the group traveled to BIftu Oromia village of Melkabelo woreda to visit the water supply system constructed by DFSA program. The group observed spring development, 75 m3 reservoir construction, 5 water points, and about 5km distribution line installation. The group observed the progress and found the system is completed very well and under the process of hand over by the contractor.
The next visit was in Babille Woreda DFSA activity. The group first visited the small-scale irrigation canal construction in Gambella village. The group visited the physical structure and made discussion with the community about the completed canal and the expansion.
In the meantime, the group travelled to visit the youth group involved in the bee keeping activity in the same village. Accordingly, the group discussed with the youth about their progress and prospect
The community of Gambella village organized a welcoming ceremony by presenting traditional music and food. Both the kebele administrator and selected beneficiaries provide their feedback about the project. According to them, the organization is supporting the community very well and changes are being observed in the life of the community.
Next, the group visited the small-scale irrigation canal constructed at the village called Ebada Gemechu. The canal is providing the service to the community very well. The user farmers confirmed that after the construction of the canal, their production is improving so that their livelihood is changing positively.
Finally the group visited the Saving and Internal Lending Community (SILC) group in Ifadin Kebele, Babile woreda. The group discussed about the status of the SILC activities and the challenges they encountered. Accordingly, the woreda coordinators shared their experiences to be adopted according to their context.