Livelihood Development and Resilience Building
Under the livelihood development and resilience building against climate change sector of intervention there are four components, which are farm, natural resource management, asset building and infrastructure.
1. Farming/ Agriculture
The component of farming comprises three major activities as listed below:
1. Provision of crop Seeds;
2. Provision of fruit and forage seedlings;
3. Provision of farm tools.
2. Natural Resource Management (NRM)
The component of natural resource management comprises two major activities as listed below:
1. Physical conservation measures, which are hill side terrace, bench terrace, trenchs, stone and soil bund, stone check dams, micro basins, cut off drain, gully control, sediment storage (SS) Dam and masonery dam;
2. Biological conservation measures, which are plantation of trees, fruit and forage seedling, forage seeds sowing, grass strips, vegetation gully treatment and so on.
3. Economic livelihood asset building
The component of economic livelihood asset building comprises ten major activities as listed below:
1. Cash transfer for stocking;
2. Provisions of productive animals;
3. Provision of Beehives and accessories;
4. Promotion of saving and credit;
5. Establish livelihood groups;
6. Provision of water pumps for irrigation;
7. Provision post-harvest technology (PICS bags);
8. Provision of poultry;
9. Provision of egg collection and handling technology;
10. Establishing and capacitating agro-dealers for input supply.
4. Infrastructure
The component of infrastructure comprises two major activities as listed below:
1. Economic infrastructures, which are construction of irrigation schemes, construction of sand dams, construction of masonry dams and concrete dams;
2. Social infrastructures, which are construction of health post, class rooms, human health posts, animal health posts, grinding mill houses, ware houses and residences for development agents.