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Cross-Cutting sectors


There are four Cross-Cutting Sectors , which have been implemented across ECC-SDCOH's five major sectors of interventions. These are gender & women empowerment, peace & Justice, disability inclusion and knowledge management.


1. Gender and Women Empowerment



In line with gender and women empowerment there are thirteen major activities:

  1. Establish Community Conversation groups;

  2. Training on gender role, gender equality and equity;

  3. Establish School Gender Clubs;

  4. Provision of sanitary pads to school girls;

  5. Provision of tape recorder, micro-phone stationary materials for school gender clubs;

  6. Training on leadership to women;

  7. Training on GBV;

  8. Training on functional adult literacy;

  9. Training on gender PIM provision;

  10. Training on family care and marriage sustainability;

  11. Provision of award for successful men gender champion (solar lights;

  12. Provision of hand books and audio tool kits;

  13. Provision of award for successful women (cell phone).

2. Peace and Justice





In line with peace and justice there are eight major activities:

  1. Awareness creation through training on basic concepts of gender and protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse for governmental institutions

  2. Sensitizing:  Facilitate Zonal and Woreda local police and security force discussions on peacebuilding and social cohesion, Facilitate discussion with Woreda Education Leaders and School Headmasters,

  3. Promotion: Facilitate peace-building and conflict resolution discussions with Abba Gedas, traditional leaders and Elders; Facilitate Inter Religious Committee (IRC) discussion forum on conflict resolution and peacebuilding;

  4. Capacity building: Facilitate woreda and zonal level leadership discussions on peacebuilding, Strengthen kebele level community peace committee structures and support to engage in their communities conflict resolution and peacebuilding efforts; Organize Abba Gedas, traditional leaders, Religious leaders and elders’ consultative and Experience sharing Meeting; Train and support youth peace ambassadors (YPAs) on peace-building and social cohesion skills and support in engaging communities;

  5. Establishing peace and justice associations & clubs:

  6. Material support: mini-media equipment, sport and stationary materials

  7. Identify and implement connector projects (rehabilitating water supply schemes (HDW), school rehabilitation, fulfil facilities for school (desk, table, chairs, black board,…)

  8. Facilitating a reconciliation process among groups.

3. Disability Inclusion


In line with disability inclusion there are five major activities:

  1. Awareness creation on facts and causes of disabilities among the communities and correcting wrong perceptions;

  2. Giving priority for disabled people in services;

  3. Inclusion of disabled in all the programs;

  4. Construction of disability friendly structures, such as ramps and elevators;

  5. Provision of materials, like wheelchairs, writing tool of braille.


4. Knowledge Management


In line with knowledge management there are five major activities:

  1. Analyzing and scaling up of activities, approaches and technologies:

  2. Documenting and archiving experiences:

  3. Researching on indigenous knowledges:

  4. Integration of indigenous knowledges with updated scientific findings

  5. Publicity of organizational activities and overall status.

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Women Empowerment Training

Capacity building on peace & justice for

Capacity building on peace & justice for inter-religious council members

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