USA Congress Women visited Development Food Security Activity (DFSA)

February 17, 2020 - US Congressional staff delegation Katy Crosby & Monica Pons, accompanied by Bishop Angelo Pagano – Bishop of Vicariate of Harar, (from left to right) visited Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) program supported by USAID through CRS. The program is a five-year (2016-2021) project with the objective of “build resilience to shocks, enhance livelihoods and improve food security and nutrition for rural households (HHs) vulnerable to food insecurity” in 38 rural kebeles of Dire Dawa Administration and five woredas of East Hararghe Zone, Oromia Regional State.
The Congress Women, with other team, visited Eja Aneney Food Distribution Point located at 6 Km of Dire Dawa town. In addition to visiting the distribution center, the visitor observed the whole process of executing the food distribution for the beneficiary. During the visit the community have presented cultural music and made Ethiopian coffee ceremony for the guest.

The team also have visited the structure of sand sedimentation dam (SSD) and the activity of Saving and Internal Lending Community (SILC) group at Kurtu kebele of Dire Dawa Administration located at 36 km from Dire Dawa town. Besides, they made a visit to the Natural Resource Management (NRM) activities implemented in Beya Awalle kebele.
Besides, the team have visited Internally Displaced Peoples (IDP) due to ethnic conflict deployed in Dire Dawa IDP center.

At the end of the visit, the Congress Women gave a feedback that they are impressed by the activities they have visited.